Onsite Safety
Health and Safety Policy Statement
S&K Drilling is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, visitors and members of the public.
Hazards to health and safety will be removed, or where this is not practical, they will be managed so as to prevent injury, illness and dangerous events.
S&K Drilling considers safety and incident prevention to be vital to the ultimate success of the organisation’s operations and is an integral part of management’s responsibilities.
Management will meet these requirements by:
- Complying with both the spirit and letter of the law for all matters relating to workplace health and safety.
- Providing a safe workplace
- Providing safe working conditions and safe operating procedures for all company activities.
- Minimising workplace hazards.
- Encouraging and respecting all contributions by all employees towards the improvement of workplace health and safety.
- Providing adequate information, instruction, training and supervision to enable every employee to perform their duties effectively and safely
- Providing sufficient information to contractors and visitors on possible risks to health and safety.
- Making safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) available whenever required.
Each employee has the responsibility to:
- Follow all sae work practices, procedures, instructions and rules.
- Work in a manner which ensures the health and safety of him or herself and others.
- Encourage other employees to work in a healthy and safe manner.
- Participate in training
- Report or rectify any unsafe conditions that come to their attention.
This policy is an integral part of our total management plan. Our goal is to have zero injuries to employees, contractors and members of the public within our workplace. This can only be achieved through consultation with and cooperation by all.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility!